Friday, August 25, 2006

Sorry for the delay in posts - there was so much going on in the NS that I couldn't keep up ...

Ok friends, there has been a plethora of things going on this week - where to start ...

Malden - "Routine traffic stop turns up three guns: Recent increase in gun use alarming to police"

Now, I would just like to note that one of these guys was from Lynn - love the double representation here...

Car is pulled over and due to a shifty back seat passenger, Malden PD finds several weapons including a sawed off shotgun. Isn't that great? Not to mention that in the past 7 weeks Malden PD has confiscated a record number of guns. Excellent!

Lynn - oh how I love thee ...

Officials call for tighter LNG security

In case you haven't heard about this yet, there was a cut in the fence around some power supply... but no one knew for about a week. But don't worry, no terrorist threat detected. In subsequent reports they also noted exactly what a terrorist attack would do - including the exact radius that would be impacted.

Awesome... why don't we just write an instruction manual next time ... Geez!

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